“NMCAN and its staff are very supportive and always helpful. Even if I have already figured something out and I find myself in a different struggle, they are the ones I go to for assistance or support. They help me with hard things.” –Young person
NMCAN is so happy to share the results of our programming from this past year! In 2017-2018, we engaged 124 young people in our programming to support their transition from systems to adulthood, and 87 volunteers contributed their time.
At the policy level, thanks to Youth Leaders—a group of young advocates who are using their lived experience to lead change in the child welfare system—New Mexico became the first state in the United States to offer a tax credit for hiring a former/current foster youth. Taxpayers who employ “qualified foster youth” for at least 20 hours per week may claim a tax credit of up to $1,000 of the gross wages paid to each foster youth employed for a full taxable year.
Finally, we hosted our first Summer Bridge, a two-week program for young people who wanted to learn more about completing college or technical school. The Bridge was planned and hosted in partnership with Central New Mexico Community College and University of New Mexico. Young people received information from campus representatives from the registrar’s office, financial aid/scholarships, student life, campus security, college enrichment programs, and others such as NM’s Department of Workforce Solutions and TLC Plumbing & Utility. Young people now have personal relationships with these various departments and organizations, and the Bridge has prompted conversations with our partners about how we can better collaborate to serve this population of young people.
NMCAN recognizes all of our partners and volunteers who helped make this possible. Thank you! Learn more by reading our 2017-2018 Annual Report.